Service Specials

Multi-Point Inspection


Keep your Subaru in top condition. Let our Subaru trained Service Technicians perform a thorough multi-point inspection.

Please present coupon at time of write-up. Cannot be combined with any other special. Prices may vary by model. Service will be completed per model specifications. Subaru vehicles only.

RCC: 7b526f0f0f784630a38762eafbe8c528

Expires: 03/17/2025

Synthetic Oil and Filter Change


We’ll replace the engine oil in your vehicle with Genuine Subaru synthetic oil, up to 5 quarts and per your model specifications. Service also includes a new Genuine Subaru oil filter.

Please present coupon at time of write-up. Cannot be combined with any other special. Prices may vary by model. Service will be completed per model specifications. Subaru vehicles only.

RCC: f468c7b584044dddbba1db412af8bf44

Expires: 03/17/2025